Delphi XE5 Tools and Components from Embarcadero Technology Partners. This is a list of third party tools and components from Embarcadero Technology Partners that support Delphi XE5 as of October 2. You can get an updated listing or do more detailed searches by visiting the Embarcadero Technology Partner Directory web site.
Embarcadero Technology Partner Directory * Click on the product name to see complete details. No BDE, no DLLs, SQL, strong encryption, BLOBs compression, single- file database, high- speed, embedded database.
Delphi xe5 components free download. D.P.F Delphi Android Native Components Welcome to the world of Android programming! Develop Native Android applications with.
This BDE alternative is free for personal use. Add- in Express. 1. TData. Set compatible, Apollo components are fully integrated into the VCL. BS1 Accounting. Davis Software. Canada. Delphi source code for accounting: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, and Sales Analysis. BS1 Enterprise Accounting.
Davis Software. Canada. Delphi source code for ERP accounting and distribution: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Quotes, and Sales Analysis.
BS1 Enterprise Accounting Manufacturing. Davis Software. Canada. Delphi source code for accounting, distribution, and manufacturing ERP/MRP: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Quotes, Manufacturing, and Sales Analysis. BS1 General Ledger.
Using ActiveXperts Serial Port Component with Delphi. ActiveXperts Serial Port Component is a software development kit (SDK) that enables the user to communicate to a. Download Cracked version of ComPort 2015 Full Source XE5-XE7 Win32, Serial Communication Library, multiple ports simultaneously, thread safe. C++ Builder, Delphi incl. Embarcadero RAD XE2 XE3 XE4 XE5 XE6 XE8 Studio,CodeGear. Delphi XE5 Serial Port on Android. XE5 Android for information about Bluetooth serial communication.
Davis Software. Canada. BS1 General Ledger tracks budget and actual financial data to produce financial statements such as an Income Statement and Balance Sheet, the Trial Balance report, and General Ledger (detail) report. Delphi source code is available for several database. BS1 Professional Time Billing.
Davis Software. Canada. Delphi source code for time billing and accounting: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Time Billing, and Sales Analysis.
Cado. Draw. LTS Software Tools & Solutions. Germany. With Cado. Draw you can develop drawing apps where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures. Chant Developer Workbench.
Chant Inc. United States. Develop Software that Speaks and Listens. Cn. Pack IDE Wizards. Cn. Pack. China. Cn. Pack IDE Wizards, with the short name Cn. Wizards, is a free plug- in tools set used in Delphi/C++Builder/BDS/RAD Studio to improve development efficiency. Code. Jak. Code. Site's loggging classes allow capturing (locally/remotely) all kinds of information to a live display or a log file.
Compression. Master Suite. Component. Ace Limited. Russian Federation.
Compression. Master is the most advanced data compression library for Delphi and C++ Builder. The Suite includes the following independent products: Easy Compression Library, Flex.
Compress and Zip. Forge. DAC for My. SQLMicro. OLAP Technologies Ltd. Russian Federation.
DAC for My. SQL (also known as My. SQLDAC) is the most powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder/ My. SQL. It allows you to create Delphi/BCB applications with direct access to My. SQL DB without BDE/ODBC. Any My. SQL library is not required.
DD Service Application Framework. Duo. Data. Germany. DDService is an enhanced Windows NT service application framework.
Debug. Delphi. Dipl. Helmuth Adolph. Germany.
Debugging terminal for applications built with Delphi. Dew Lab Studio 2. Dew Research. Slovenia. Dew Lab Studio is a set of products for science and engeering. It includes modules for vectorized math, linear algebra, statistics and signal processing.
Drop. Master. Raize Software, Inc. United States. Drop. Master. Eh. Lib. Ehlib Team. Russian Federation. Set of components and classes for Borland Delphi and Borland C++ Builder and intended to increase capacity of the client part of the database application in part of interaction with applications user.
ESBPCS for VCLESB Consultancy. Australia. Collection of VCL Components and Routines making Data Entry and Manipulation Easier for the Developer and their Customers. ESBPCS- Calcs for VCLESB Consultancy.