Greek Lexicons for NT Students. Lexica (Lexicons) for Students of the Greek NTThere are many different lexicons (bi- lingual dictionaries) of ancient Greek. Some focus on a specific author(s); some focus on a specific time period; others focus on a particular type of literature. The NT Greek student has a wide range of both internet and for- purchase lexicons which are available. This listing lists both for- purchase and for- free lexicons. The best and most up to date lexicon for the NT (which every serious student must have is BDAG 3rd Edition 2. General Greek Lexicons Liddell- Scott- Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek.
The Liddell- Scott- Jones Lexicon (LSJ) is the premier Greek classical lexicon. It contains all the entries in the NT, but not all entries in the LXX (the Greek OT) or the patristic fathers. The 1. 99. 6 LSJ Supplement is not part of any online LSJ lexicon.
An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon. Etymological Dictionary of Greek.
To get the supplement, one must purchase either the print edition of LSJ from Oxford or a digital resource such as Logos Bible Software. A note of caution about the Perseus LSJ. Not all forms which are valid Greek word forms are listed. If a certain word form is not found, the Perseus database will return . This does not mean that the queried word is invalid or ill- formed.
Select what you would like to search from the following options. Additional filters are available after the search field. MLibrary ArticlesPlus Catalog. Buy English-Greek Dictionary by S C Woodhouse (ISBN:) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. Collections & Exhibits > Collections > Woodhouse's English-Greek Dictionary, 1910 Woodhouse's English-Greek Dictionary, 1910. A keyword searchable edition of. English-Greek Dictionary A Vocabulary. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED TIFF ZIP download. A Concise Dictionary of the English and Modern Greek.
It is just not in the present Perseus list of extant forms. There are several implementations of this lexicon available on the internet. In one of the most remarkable and useful developments on the internet, the Perseus Site has made available a resource that is in many ways better than the printed version, for here one can often access the web- versions of the texts to which one is referred by the Lexicon. The strengths of this implementation are continual updates, a one- click stop- shop approach retreiving links to four different lexicons all in one window. Word frequencies and possible parsings are also available. The old site is not long for this world.) Perseus under Philologic (University of Chicago) . This platform is quicker, but a little more work for the user.
It takes 3 clicks compared to 1 click on Perseus. Tufts to find any give form. In addition, the organization is a little more hidden. As of July 2. 00. The advantages of the Perseus on Philologic is that 1) it is faster, 2) it is cleaner, 3) One can see a list of all Greek words by clicking on the name of the LSJ lexicon one a word is queried (a hidden feature), 4) one can get a reverse English- Greek lookup. Diogenes LSJ Lexicon.
This implementation of the Perseus LSJ lexicon is part of a downloadable and free- ware program called Diogenes. Diogenes was originally designed to search the TLG (Thesauraus Linguae Graecae) Greek database. Diogenes has both the LSJ Greek lexicon and Lewis/Clark Latin lexicon embedded in the program. One does not need the TLG discs to use the Lexicons. At the current time, the LSJ lexicon is brought up by clicking on an specific word in any text. As of August 2. 00. Beta mode. Harvard University Archimedes implementation of the 1.
LSJ lexicon. One is the Next Word - and Previous Word links. For Archimdes LSJ, one must submit the word in betacode with the correct accents. It does accept lookups in unicode. Lookups in betacode can be submitted missing the breathings or accents, but Archimdes will often show you the wrong entry. Clicking on the next or previous entry usually takes you to the correct enty. Archimedes is great for cutting and pasting lexicon entries. Errors in Perseus' LSJ sometimes cause a good word not to be found; You can crosscheck in Harvard's Archimedes to see if it is in LSJ.
Sophocles Hellenistic Lexicon. A Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantein Periods from B. C. Sophocles This lexicon from the late 1. Greek lexicon of the Hellenistic Dialect. It is listed on Google Books but as of August 2. NT Greek Lexicons. At Crosswalk. com: This lexicon is “based on Thayer’s and Smith’s Bible Dictionary plus others.
You must install a special font to see the Greek correctly.