Download Microsoft . Net 4. 0 Framework Offline Installer. Microsoft has released latest version of it’s . You will also be prompted to download and install latest version of Microsoft.
Download the latest.Net 4.0 Offline. Download net framework 4.0.30319 for windows xp. PROS: Free to download, Open source software and always being updated, Download 200+ games; CONS. The version of Microsoft.Net Framework 4.0 is supported on Windows XP (sp3 or above), Vista (sp1 or above), Seven, Eight with both 32bit and 64 bit.
Microsoft . NET Framework Download. Deploy. Master is capable of detecting the presence of the Microsoft . NET framework, and install it if necessary. For installation, you can bundle the .
NET framework redistributable for the version of . NET that your application needs with your installer. Deploy. Master automatically runs it as part of the installation, as needed.
If most of your customers already have the framework installed, you can choose not to distribute it. Instead, put the URL http: //www.
URL in the installer. When using this URL, Deploy. Master automatically adds a parameter to the URL to indicate the version you've specified in the installer.
If the framework is not present, the setup program generated by Deploy. Master prompts the user to download and install the framework. When the user clicks this URL in the installer, only one of the downloads below is shown. Since you didn't click on a link in the installer, all the downloads are shown. NET Framework 1. 0.
The application you are installing requires the Microsoft . NET framework version 1. You can download the Microsoft .
NET Framework Redistributable 1. Microsoft. Once you've installed the .
NET framework, you can continue installing the application. NET Framework 1. 1. The application you are installing requires the Microsoft . NET framework version 1. You can download the Microsoft . NET Framework Version 1. Redistributable Package directly from Microsoft.
Once you've installed the . NET framework, you can continue installing the application. NET Framework 2. 0. The application you are installing requires the Microsoft . NET framework version 2. For Windows 9. 8, 2. XP, download the Microsoft .
NET Framework Version 2. Service Pack 2 Redistributable Package (x. MB). For Windows XP x. Microsoft . NET Framework Version 2.
Service Pack 2 Redistributable Package (x. MB). Windows Vista and Windows 7 come with version 2. NET framework preinstalled.
Both downloads come directly from Microsoft. Once you've installed the . NET framework, you can continue installing the application. NET Framework 3. 0.
The application you are installing requires the Microsoft . NET framework version 3. You can download the Microsoft . NET Framework 3. 0 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package directly from Microsoft. This is a small 3 MB download with just the . NET framework installer. When you run it, the installer downloads the actual framework components that need to be installed on your computer.
Once you've installed the . NET framework, you can continue installing the application. NET Framework 3. 5. The application you are installing requires the Microsoft . NET framework version 3. You can download the Microsoft .
NET Framework 3. 5 SP1 package directly from Microsoft. This is a small 3 MB download with just the . NET framework installer. When you run it, the installer downloads the actual framework components that need to be installed on your computer. Once you've installed the . NET framework, you can continue installing the application. If you plan to install version 3.
NET framework on a large number of computers, you can also download the full package of the Microsoft . NET Framework 3. 5 SP1. This 2. 31 MB download comes directly from Microsoft.
The small 3 MB installer likely needs to download much less than this, depending on what is already present on your computer. NET Framework 4. 0.
The application you are installing requires the Microsoft . NET framework version 4. You can download the Microsoft . NET Framework 4. 0 package directly from Microsoft. This is a small download (less than 1 MB) with just the .
NET framework installer. When you run it, the installer downloads the actual framework components that need to be installed on your computer. Once you've installed the . NET framework, you can continue installing the application. If you plan to install version 4.
NET framework on a large number of computers, you can also download the full package of the Microsoft . NET Framework 4. 0. This 4. 8 MB download comes directly from Microsoft.